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Trust 我们的 Corydon, IN, Divorce Attorneys to Protect Your Rights

When you are going through a divorce, 我们的Corydon离婚律师明白,你会感觉整个世界都在和你作对. Your soon-to-be-ex-spouse may be accusing you of things that are impossible to believe. Friends may start treating you differently, especially if your spouse is spreading exaggerations about your behavior. You may be struggling to find a new place to live.

No one should have to try to go through a divorce like this by themselves. You need support legally, but you also need to feel like someone is in your corner. That’s exactly what our Corydon divorce lawyer will do. 相信Church的团队, 兰登, Lopp, Banet Law to represent you with skill, compassion and a focus on protecting your best interests. 我们的Corydon离婚律师不会在有争议的离婚谈判和听证会上退缩, 确保我们尽我们所能保护你的权利,并帮助你有最好的机会朝着你想要看到的解决方案努力.


Why 我们的 Divorce Lawyer 在青年, IN, Is Your Best Choice

Trust 我们的 Corydon Divorce Attorney to Use 我们的 Experience to Your Benefit

我们的Corydon团队, IN, 离婚律师在多个法律领域代表我们的客户总共有几十年的经验, 包括离婚. Regardless of why clients come to us, 我们总是专注于倾听他们的需求,然后总是努力满足他们的需求. 我们很自豪我们有能力让我们的客户了解他们的案件进展的每一步. We never want you to be wondering or guessing about the status of your case. 我们的 Corydon divorce lawyer will discuss strategies with you, so all of us are always on the same page.

Dana Eberle律师 often is our lead attorney in family law and divorce cases. 她知道帮助夫妻和家庭尽可能成功地度过离婚过程的重要性, always aiming toward the best solution for the children involved. She knows the stress and sense of loss that can occur during a divorce. By handling the legal aspects for you as thoroughly as possible, Ms. 埃伯利和我们CLLB律师事务所的整个团队会尽我们所能减轻你在离婚过程中的压力, so you can focus on the other aspects of your life.

When you are 准备好了 to discuss exactly how our Corydon divorce lawyer can represent you, call us at 812-725-8224 as soon as possible. 我们承诺倾听你的意见,所以我们知道如何在你的情况下制定最好的策略.

Areas Where 我们的 Corydon离婚律师 Can Help With Your Case

When you are going through a divorce, you may primarily focus on one particular area of the proceedings, such as where your children will be living or whether you will be able to keep your house. 这可以理解. 我们的 离婚律师 在青年, IN, 要知道,我们需要集中相当多的精力来代表你在离婚结果中对你最重要的领域的利益.

然而,我们也知道,我们不能忽视整个离婚过程的其他方面. 我们的 divorce lawyer 在青年, IN, delivers all-around representation for you, 在强调离婚中对你最重要的方面,同时又不失去对其他方面的关注,找到完美的平衡. Some of the areas in which we will give you strong representation include the following.

Understanding Distribution of Assets in 印第安纳州

印第安纳州 Statute § 31-15-7-5 discusses the distribution of assets during divorce proceedings in the state. The court expects that most divorcing couples will be dividing the assets equally, to create the fairest situation. 这并不意味着你必须卖掉你所拥有的一切,然后平分收益. 相反,您可以进行权衡,这样您每个人最终都拥有几乎相同价值的财产. 例如, if you have a specific property item that you would like to keep in the divorce, it is important for our Corydon divorce attorney to know this. 然后,我们可以制定我们的谈判策略,提出给你的配偶另一块价值几乎相等的财产.

另外, 我们的Corydon离婚律师知道州法律允许在一些情况下平均分配是不合适的. 这意味着我们可以收集事实来证明为什么你应该拥有更大份额的财产. 这些因素可能包括:

  • The contribution of each spouse toward the accumulation of the property
  • Whether one spouse brought specific property items into the marriage
  • 配偶中是否有一方将拥有子女的主要监护权,并希望留在家中
  • The earning ability of each spouse after the divorce.

我们的 Divorce Lawyers 在青年, IN, Can Help with the Child Support Determination

Even though the state uses specific guidelines in determining child support in 印第安纳州, 在某些情况下,法院允许离婚夫妇不遵守指导原则. 我们的 Corydon divorce lawyer knows that you want the best for your children, 但你也要确定你支付的抚养费是直接用于孩子们的福利. 这是一个棘手的情况,很难与你的前配偶以文明的方式讨论, 但请相信,我们可以利用我们在类似案件中的经验,努力达成和解,为孩子们提供他们所需的经济支持.

Ultimately, two primary factors will play a key role in determining child support payments.

  • 当一方挣的钱比另一方多时,这一方可能最终要支付子女抚养费.
  • 如果孩子们会 living primarily with one parent, the other parent likely will pay child support.

我们的 divorce lawyer 在青年, IN, knows that child support payments are expensive. 这可能是令人沮丧的,不得不交出你的收入这么大数额的子女抚养费, 尤其是当你的收入因为工作时间的减少或类似的情况而发生变化时. 我们努力向法庭展示事实,说明为什么你的情况可能无法保证支付正常的子女抚养费.

我们的 Corydon离婚律师 Will Help with Determining Spousal Maintenance Payments, Too

配偶抚养费是离婚谈判中经常引起争议的另一个领域. 法院在试图确定预计的配偶抚养费对双方是否真正公平时,将考虑许多因素, 如:

  • The potential earning power of each spouse after the divorce
  • The amount of property each spouse will be receiving in the divorce
  • Whether one spouse will need training to return to the workforce
  • Whether one spouse supported the other spouse’s educational costs
  • Whether one spouse will be caring for a child with physical or mental incapacities.

夫妻双方都需要提交财务披露表格,显示他们离婚后的潜在收入. Both parties must be completely truthful in these documents, 确保双方都没有试图隐瞒收入,以改变配偶抚养费的潜在金额. 如果你认为你的前配偶隐藏资金或在表格上撒谎,以迫使你支付比你应该支付的更多的配偶抚养费, 我们的Corydon离婚律师知道如何从案件的事实中挖掘出真相. 我们会尽我们所能确保你的配偶遵守印第安纳州有关财务披露的法律.


我们的 Corydon离婚律师s Will Tailor 我们的 Strategy to Meet Your Needs

Throughout our many years of representing clients going through a divorce, the Corydon divorce attorneys at Church, 兰登, Lopp, Banet Law知道,一刀切的策略并不是我们代表您的最佳方式. We take the time to listen to you. We need to know exactly what you want to see from the divorce proceedings, so we can create a strategy that works toward that desired ending. You may want to keep a classic car, to keep certain pieces of furniture, or to receive 离婚时的宠物监护权.

我们的 离婚律师 在青年, IN, will certainly borrow from past strategies we used 帮助 our clients have success, but we will adjust those strategies to fit your precise needs. We know that every case has unique aspects to it, and we tailor our representation of you to reflect those aspects.

令人惊讶的是,大多数离婚案件最终都没有经过法庭的正式诉讼程序. 在大多数离婚情况下, 双方通过谈判达成协议,然后提交法庭批准.

你需要一个经验丰富的谈判团队在你这边,给你最好的机会,试图赢得你正在寻求的离婚协议. For a discussion of your case, reach out to CLLB Law at 812-725-8224 today.


